The Heart Mountain Bungei is a Japanese-language literary magazine that was published by Japanese Americans confined at the Heart Mountain incarceration camp during WWII. Translations of first-generation Japanese immigrants in Los Angeles, 1920-1950 Where to Go by Morio Hayashida 林田盛雄 (Los Angeles, 1928) Shūkaku (Harvest) literary journal, vol 1 no 1, Nov 1936, Association of Southern California Poets Handa Setsuyu - Translations of Los Angeles' issei poets Morio Hayashida 林田盛雄 - 6 translations at Asymptote, Oct 2020 Fumio Karatsu - Translations of Los Angeles' issei poets Akira Togawa - Translations of Los Angeles' issei poets Three-Year Hermitage by Eizo Tokunaga (Los Angeles, 1948) Morio Hayashida 林田盛雄 Archive, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, Los Angeles Torch poetry anthology (Agosto Imprint, Los Angeles, 1933) Agosto Imprint archival research Footprints by Heihachi Kamiyama (Los Angeles, 1936)